Aged Care.

RTM Solutions Aged care markets

Real-time monitoring and reporting for time-sensitive care.

RTM’s strong Aged Care focus covers Australia and New Zealand, where our systems are installed in over 450 sites ranging from small single-site homes to large multi-site organisations.

Typically, most Nurse Call Systems do not provide the visibility and reporting functionality required by Care Teams to provide the highest level of service for their residents or management, to be able to run their facility efficiently and comply with the many Audit and compliance requirements that have been, and will be, implemented.

Adding RTM to a site’s existing Nurse Call System significantly increases its features and functionality. It can extend the life of the existing Nurse Call System by many years, avoiding unnecessary upgrade/replacement costs.

The RTM platform can receive and display multiple data inputs from your existing connected systems in real-time, resulting in time-sensitive decisions being made quickly and professionally and delivering the highest levels of service.


Discover the possibilities RTM can deliver for your team and facility.

A whole new world of functionality, communications management and value.

RTM software allows you to retain your existing systems while improving productivity.

RTM provides a comprehensive reporting system featuring standard or customised reports created for automated distribution to the appropriate team members.  Time is valuable, and having the RTM system do the work for you frees your team up to do what they do best, provide care for your Residents. 

RTM can also be installed at a Central location, like Head office, for organisations with multiple sites and provide a continually updated snapshot of all facilities and how they perform comparatively. This functionality ensures consistency in the level of care provided across the business and assists in implementing and monitoring Best Practice.